Kolida Gnss K50

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Kolida Gnss K50. "See better, work better!" K50 GNSS RTK, Live-view Stakeout powered by built-in camera and Augmented Reality technology

Kolida Gnss K50 can process a series of photos or a video, acquiring the coordinates of hundreds of points in just a few minutes. It boasts a wider range and fewer blind spots thanks to remote measurements with the camera. Places that were once challenging, such as spaces under roofs and areas with obstacles, are now easily measurable.

Kolida Gnss K50

Kolida Gnss K50

The Brand New GNSS Engine: S805

The S805 GNSS chip features new chip design and dual-engine algorithm, which is able to eliminate the false-fixed solution status and make compensation to the error by ionospheric delay, to improve the reliability of measurement result and working efficiency in harsh environment…

Data Collection, By Shooting Video or Photo

With Kolida's advanced photogrammetry technology, K50 user can easily acquiring coordinates for hundreds of points within minutes, by using the front camera to shoot a video or some photos

Kolida Gnss K50
Kolida Gnss K50

Stakeout, with Dual-Camera

When surveyor is performing stakeout with K50, the Ksurvey App will call upon both front and bottom camera to capture the real-time imagery and display AR guide lines to help. 

The job can be done faster, more accurate, more intelligent…

3D Modeling, The New Value Added

Surveyors can use K50 to capture photoes of the objectives and process out 3D model. The data output can be used with the 3rd party designing software, also can be combined with Drone (UAV) data, such as DJI and other brands

Kolida Gnss K50
Kolida Gnss K50

More Advanced IMU Tilt Survey

With the latest upgrade of KOLIDA's IMU tilt survey technic, the working status of IMU module won't be interrupted when surveyor rotates the pole or changing their walking direction. It greatly saves time and smoothies the work flow

New Radio, Farlink 2.0

Farlink technology is developed to send large number of data and avoid data loss.
This new protocol improves the signal-catching sensitivity from -110db to -117db, so K50 can transmit to 10 even 15 km away by only 2 watt power consumption (in optimal environment condition)…

Kolida Gnss K50
Kolida Gnss K50

Ksurvey App, Increase Your Output.

Ksurvey App features a series of practical and unique functionalities: Measure & Draw, CAD Drawing, Visual Positioning, CAD Stakeout, Area Division...

Ksurvey also enable users to work it with Kolida total stations

Kolida GEO Office, Ideal GNSS Data Processor

KGO is designed to help surveyors to process static data, PPK data, photogrammetry data accurately and productively.

3D modeling function has been added in 2024…

Kolida Gnss K50